Finally a chance to blog!
How are you?
Hope things are going well for you... Thanks for dropping by!
This last weekend was our big LTC trip that we make annually with our church's youth group. It's a HUGE competition for Leaders in Training for Christ (LTC) at the Anatole in Dallas, TX.
This year, our family was a little more prepared and we competed in 14 areas for EACH boy. But that's divided between Pre-convention, challenges and at the convention - which we did 5 events at. Our church as been preparing since January for this event. During the convention, it gets very chaotic - but the boys each learned a lot!
Here's some picture highlights of their projects and events:
Christian Art - Sculpture
And the WHOLE group - all 45 kids who participated!
Still washing clothes and trying to catch up on missed sleep! All went well and the boys did very good.
Well, it wouldn't be complete without a pic of Andy! Here's Andy Hayes along with Savannah K. during Spring Break. Andy - we MISS YOU! That "ding-dong" hit his 100th geocache this last weekend - SO JEALOUS! He's beating us by almost 50... argh!
Counting down until the summer! LOL Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week! Hug the ones you love the most (at least 6 seconds!)
So very proud of your boys! Wow, each did 14 events???? You have an awesome family. Thanks for being the example we all need.