4-H Photo Entries & another Track Meet!

This week has been a "Back to the Grind" reality check - after Spring Break! On the positive side
- back to a normal routine; which is nice!
How are you? Enjoying the great weather?
- officially starting of the spring season - yahoo! Love the spring, don't you? "A fresh beginning!"

This week, the boys submitted their 4-H photograph entries - digitally this year! That's awesome - sounds easier, but we had to do a quick learning of resizing, sRGB modes and pixel totals for submitting our entries - argh! Here are thumbnail-size pics of their entries:

(Animal/wildlife, Landscape, Floral/Plant, Elements of design, & Animal/domestic)

(Animal/domestic, Landscape, Detail/Macro, & Floral/Plant)

This week, the CJHS track team traveled to Iowa Park, Tx. Alex competed in 5 events - placing in 4 out of 5 events - w/medals in 2 events. We were proud and relieved that we had great weather! (Last meet was SO COLD!)

Of course, we had to grab some geocaches - 5 out of 7! Also dropped off 2 Travel bugs and picked up 3 (1 bug/2 coins).

Ready to enjoy the weekend - laundry, cleaning, paying bills, completing the card swaps that are due Wednesday and creating some props for the LTC competition. Boys are designing up some T-Shirt ideas for LTC. Hopefully gonna watch some dvd's - rented "MegaMind" and "Tourist" - have you seen them? How did you like them?

Hope all is well for you and yours. Thanks for stopping by! Come again - remember to hug the ones you love the most! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. The boys pictures are AWESOME!!! Tell them that I loved them.


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!