Guess who was in town?

The Easter Bunny!

During the annual 4-H Community Easter Egg Hunt this year, there was the "cutest" bunny...

It all started with Alex getting into the car after school on Monday & I say, "I will buy you anything you want..." and Alex looks up and says, "What do I have to do now!"
(Just cost me an X-box game)

More later - when time can be spared! Hope you are having a great week! Hug the ones you love the most! Until next time...


  1. He is so cheap!!! This made me laugh out loud. You certainly have a nice little easter bunny!!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I can't wait to make mine do stuff like that. I still have a picture of me dressed up as a ninja turtle for a 4-H event. LOL! LTC this weekend? Good luck! Happy Easter to all!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!