It's Official...

It's official...
we now have an above-ground swimming pool
- least the pool is located in the BACK yard - not the front!

With the Texas average temp being 105-108 degrees each day w/ No RAIN - this pool supplies relief, as well as, fun and entertainment for the whole family. KV and I decided the investment was worth the $$ and effort for the summers.

But here's a word of advice - when the instructions, videos and on the box quote a 10 minute set-up time... DON'T BELIEVE IT! LOL! And the price of chemicals to put in the water is almost as much as the pool!

We are still saving for an in-ground pool (starting out at $35,000.00) - but for now, we chill'in in the pool - above ground - in the back yard! Hope your summer is going well!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to HUG the ones you love the most! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. so love your pool! Told Botos we need one next year and build a deck!! I might i have to stop by sometime! Have a great summer!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!