Teacher Inservice this week!

This week, the CISD faculty returned back to work! We jumped in with positive attitudes
(okay, not all of the teachers returning had those attitudes... but WE did!), we unpacked our classrooms, had workshops, revamped bulletin boards & classroom walls, loaded up our C-scope instructions and began lesson plans... KV and I are both starting our 19th year here at CISD - WOW!

Inservice also included a guest speaker named Kevin Honeycutt. If you are a teacher - and have a chance to listen to him - DO! Now I am biassed - he is an art teacher! "He spoke my language!" LOL! But he had lots and lots of ideas - cheap or free... (our motto for our budget this year). Here's a link to his website - very useful and inspirational! http://kevinhoneycutt.org He will now know that I blogged about him and absolutely loved what he had to say... because he has a "Google Alert" on his name... you need to invest in this item for yourself and your family for safety issues on the internet - check it out! And Kevin - you really were AWESOME and gave us what we needed to hear this year - THANK YOU for speaking in Childress, Tx!

It's going to be a GREAT year this 2011-12 school year!

It was also my BLOGOVERSARY this week. I've had a blog for over 3 years now - WOW! A school workshop prompted us to become involved with the internet and I did. It's now a personal blog - family orientated with the main objective of staying in touch with my college-bound son in Alabama (Roll Tide!) - but it "stuck"! Many have asked why I do not facebook - my reply is that "I blog and my husband facebooks" - that way we share the experience!

Here are my church birthday cards for AUGUST! I was able to think ahead and make these cards BEFORE inservice (thank goodness)! Since Monday - the focus has been SCHOOL!

Hope all is well with you and yours! KV and I are walking at night - really trying to put 30 minutes of exercise into our daily routine! A mile is just right for about 30 minutes - about "dusk time" each night... So far - we've been successful for a week - hoping to continue this when school hits! At least at this time - it's only 99-98 degrees (hey! that's a cool temp for us this year!) - each day is still in the 3 digits for heat. Think we will easily hit 90 days and maybe even 100 days of 100+ heat this year - ARGH! The sad thing is - it's with less than 3 inches of rain... ALL YEAR! That's the BIG problem and why we're on water restrictions... we are still praying for rain daily! We WILL survive!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to hug the ones you love the most! Until next time...


  1. He was an awesome speaker. I haven't written lesson plans...uh oh, I guess I better do that now!! Have a great year!

  2. While Kevin Honeycutt was speaking I so wanted to see your face. I just knew you were beaming! He was great and he spoke my "tech" language. Loved it. Think we must be kindred spirits or something! Ha! Have a great year, Melissa. You are so special and truly touch your students' lives. You love them no matter what and want them to all be successful. You are amazing! Love ya!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!