Roll Tide!

We stayed up late Monday night, watching the Tide on TV
- Alabama is #1!

Not bragging - just excited to connect with our 1st son - who goes to the University of Alabama! Andy is in his 2nd year as a Senior... what a great year for Bama!

This Christmas, Andy Hayes brought everyone BAMA WEAR - shirts, socks, hoodies, shorts, scarves, hats, keychains... We even had family pics made in our "Bama"

With Andy coming home twice a year, we try to take family pictures whenever we are together -

Thanks for letting me share them with you!
Andy is 22, Alex is 15 and Aric is 12!
Roll Tide!

Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are so adorable! I knew y'all were cheering hard. What an awesome defense! Happy 2012
