Our boys bathroom has been under construction for two weeks. KV stripped it clean of the wallpaper, while the boys were gone to church camp. So now, it's texture time! It's like the "Blind leading the Blind"! Neither one of us has ever done this before! We have received great adv
Aric had a busy weekend. He took a turn with STREP - argh!
Got his shot on Saturday (Alex had his shot on Tuesday). Then "Slash" passed away... his beta fish. So, he and a friend did the "Flush Away" Ceremony... Never a dull moment here at our house! Note the ritual of wearing armbands?? idk!
Making new bIrthday cards have been on my agenda - I ran out! Finally in the 8th month of making all our church family birthday cards. Found the "cutest" belated birthday stamps... haha! Good reason now to send late cards! LOL!
Last night, I got the honor of making a 100th birthday card - WOW! It's for a sweet, Christian man in our community. He is a faithful Christian and tells the most interesting stories, I could
listen to him talk for hours! His birthday is today!
Hope all is well with you and your family! KV has jumped right back into working! He works best with a schedule - I could stay home ALL the time - but we do need to eat and pay our bills! LOL!