County 4-H Food Show

Sunday was the annual County 4-H Food Show - both of the boys were in competition with their selected dish! You can get both recipes here at this post! Both boys did well and will be traveling to District on Nov. 14th.  Food Show is our BIG project is 4-H and we're out to win DISTRICT! Both boys just like their brother Andy - can and do cook often!  They enjoy competing and this year - we're hoping - is the year that we bring home a 1st place in District!  We are studying daily - big mind-maps and notecards with lots of info!  

Each one also did a Food Display that coordinates with their dish.  Alex is continuing with the subject "Adding More Color to Your Diet" (years past, Andy did lots of research and presentations on the "Rainbow Diet").  Alex's dish is a Vegetable Oven Pancake.  It's very "colorful"!  LOL!

Aric's Food Display (his very 1st) is over OMEGA 3 - 3 steps in putting more in your diet.  His dish has tuna in it, which is a big "omega 3" supplier for our bodies!  His dish is the "Perfect After School Snack" - it's a tuna salad on a bagel!

Look at the ASTERS! (That's the purple flower, Fitz!)  Love, love, LOVE OCTOBER because of the fall season - but also it's the month that the ASTERS' bloom - also it usually brings Andy HOME for a visit... (hint, hint!).  
Andy Hayes, we MISS YOU SO MUCH!
We lost a bunch of asters during the Father's Day tornado last year - but 
these on the side of the drive way have
 came out strong.  Enjoy the pictures!  Hug the ones you love!  Hope you had a great weekend!  Have a great Monday!


  1. Copied both recipes down! Yummy!!!

  2. Oh my goodness Food Show! I don't know if I am ready for that yet! Remember back when food show was about the actual dish you cooked and it didn't have to be healthy?! Just look good and taste good! Now you have to memorize the entire nutrition book and judges don't even taste your food! Just think, one day my blog will probably be begging my Andy to come home :-( Love ya!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!