Food - "glorious food"...

While on vacation, we all ate and ate and ate! They warned us that the average person gains 5 lbs. on a cruise! I thought, "No way!" - OH! WAY! 24 hour ice cream, pizza, buffets, formal dining + all the snack places and room service...

Aric fell in love with the Carnival's famous "Melting Chocolate Cake"! He had it every night! Come to find out - it's the most popular dessert that Carnival offers. Our waiter gave us the recipe the last night! Aric so wants to do this dish for 4H Food Show!
I haven't done a recipe swap in a while - so I'm sharing this recipe from Carnival Cruiseline -

Melting Chocolate Cake

8 ounces semisweet chocolate
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
7 eggs, divided use
6 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup flour
Vanilla ice cream, for serving

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Melt chocolate and butter; cool 10 minutes.In separate bowl, mix 4 eggs with sugar. Whisk. Add flour and whisk. Add remaining 3 eggs. Add egg mixture to chocolate mixture. Pour in individual baking cups or ramekins.Bake until just done, about 15-20 minutes (interior will be melting, not set).

Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Here are some pics from some of the dishes that we indulged in over the vacation! The presentation was always "over the top" - and taste - YUM! We even tried escargot (snails) - they served them out of the shell and in a wine/butter sauce! Mom was excited - she wanted Baked Alaska, chateaubriand and vishiswa; she got to try them all! I enjoyed the chilled soups - they're like a "smoothie" melted! hee hee!

Hope you are having a great August! Thanks for stopping by! Hug the ones you love the most! So glad to be back..

Here's a link to KV's facebook album of "Cruise Food" if you would like more pics and info on the food that we ate!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had a great time. You deserved a wonderful vacation like that. The food is pretty, but I am not sure I would have tried some of those dishes!! It was good to see you last night.


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!