Part 2 "... of the garage"

Hello! How are you? I'm stilling dreaming of the beach, cool waters, tropical islands... guess I've got "post patrum blues" from the vacation! LOL!

Actually I'm trying desperately to get further down on the "To Do List for the Summer" with accomplished items before the summer ends!

Here's one that I'm particularly proud of... the garage! Finally, I can park my car in the garage once again! YAHOO! Thank you KV - he was my "muscle" in the job! LOL! I organized and directed and he lifted! We made a great team! This is a HUGE thing to mark off - and we did get new garage doors also! Received insurance $$ 2 years ago to do this - FINALLY - it's done! Now - only 2, 314 items left to do on the list... hee hee! Not - but it seems like it!

Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by! We have technology inservice for the next two days! It'll be great to see everyone again and meet new teachers also! Remember to HUG to ones you love the most - make every day SPECIAL!


  1. I love "cleaning out" you should have called me!!! Got my basement and my closet done this summer.....oooooo, it felt soooo good!

  2. I adore the beach!

    Happy blogoversary :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!