Meet "Frankie & Friends"
...this weekend, I finally finished the kit ordered last year from Gretchen Barron; they're small paper crafted bags that can hold "anything" with / creative punch characters on front - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this kit! It is well-organized and instructions are great! It comes with all the paper cut-outs - you just have to add a few things... The characters each turned out "SOOooOOOooooo cute"! The kit is still available - need some new Halloween decorations?... Here's a link to get yours!. I love Halloween! Fun, fun, fun!
But of course, my sons had to have more!! LOL! They wanted to design their own "friends". So, meet three more friends... Paul the Pumpkin, Tom the Scare Crow and Spook the Black cat! We followed the same format and come up with some cut punch ideas for the following! Thought they were a neat trio to add!
Hope you are having a great LOooooNG weekend! I love HOLIDAYS! hee hee! Gonna sleep late tomorrow - yahoo! Remember to hug the ones you love the most!
I think I like the ones your boys came up with the best. Maybe they should make kits and sell them!! They are all sooooo cute. You should have come to the shop and played with us Saturday. We had fun and missed you.