Petty Annoyances...

This Wednesday night, I will be teaching a Ladies Bible Class over passing the Cup of "Petty Annoyances" - it's from the book "Let This Cup Pass" by Jan McWhorter (chapter 5).

It's funny how teaching a lesson always FITS into something that I need! "Thanks God!" Pray for me easy words and a calm manner! LOL! We as Christian women who are: mothers, wives, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, neighbors, caregivers... are important! We must complete MANY tasks each day! And we must like it... hahaha! It's all in the attitude! Grab a GOOD one and keep it! Kick the petty annoyances out and keep the good blessings and attitudes in! (I know, I know... it's harder to do than to say - but I'm trying!)

Of course, I've got to bribe my class! Not really, but I like to make my ladies a little "something special" - so when I found these painted clothes pins at Valley Pecan in Chillicothe, TX - home of the "dang good candy" - I knew that I had found my craft to make...

and then I found the scripture verse written inside of the pin... it was a big plus or an AMEN! LOL! So I copied the ones that I bought and painted up about 2 dozen for the ladies to give out after class. Hope they like 'em! Just another "doo-daa"!

Hug the ones you love the most! Remember - YOU are special and important - don't give up! You are doing a great job as who you are! Have a great day!


  1. were in Chillicothe and didn't stop by to see me?????

    I need to go in that store sometime. I'm always so anxious to get home after school that I don't take the time to stop there.

  2. Melissa- I love LOVE LOVE to hear you speak at bible class. I even told a friend today and she is thinking of coming to Wed. Women's class. You say it so true & the right way that I understand and can relate. You truly are my inspiration and my rock!!! I need to spend more time with you!!! I love your last sentence!!! I am going to have that put on my wall in my house w/that fun lettering. love me some Melissa! We will be there Sat.


Thank you for taking the time to comment - have a great day!