This week's recipe swap is AWESOME!
With a house full of MEN, dogs, and a cat - we are always looking for new ways to keep things smelling fresh.
FEBREZE is something that I LOVE - but not the cost! SO! When doing my nightly tour on "Pinterest" and found a recipe for homemade Febreze - here at this link - I was VERY excited! YES! It works and YES! I will make it again! And YES! I will share the recipe!
Homemade Febreze
2 cups Warm Water
1/4 cup Liquid Fabric Softener
1 tsp. Baking Soda
Simply mix these 3 ingredients together in a spray bottle, shake well and spray!
The great part about this recipe is that the scent is not overpowering - just enough to smell great!
Thanks for stopping by! We've got a "Meet and Greet" geocaching event this weekend - we are so excited to meet up with some of the awesome people that we have come accustom with from their "signature" name off of the website! We (our team of 4) had shirts made for this event! Come back soon and have a great week!
Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...