Enjoying the Holiday Vacation ! We will be taking a break from blogging so we can soak up every minute with each other... will be back soon! (Hey! I'm a multi-tasker, but to blog, cook meals, clean, wash clothes, take naps, making "elf videos" and trying to catch up on the others things that I've got to do... too much!!) Hope YOU and your family are having a great break also! It's been a great year in '08! Happy New Year! Ready for another in '09!
P.S. Need a good laugh? Watch our "Family Elf Video" - want a better laugh?? Make one of your own - we have never laughed so hard... it's highly recommended!
Here is a link to Aric's Elf Video: http://acemanvannoy.blogspot.com
Alex's Elf Video
Another Elf Video
keep scrolling down to the bottom of the page!