Getting ready for the "Get Well" Social - came up with "What everyone needs"... the "OWIE POUCH"! Sounds like I'm on the reality show - American Inventor"... It's just an "artsy-fartsy" small envelope to hold several band-aids. KV has decided that we both could retire by justing selling band-aids to high school students.... hahaha!
Hey Moms - you always have band-aids with you - don't you? My kids feel so much better "miraculously" after applying one of these! So you can make and have an creative OWIE POUCH in your purse and easily find band-aids to use quickly. My "Owie Pouch" cover goes with the "Campbell Soup" theme for the "Get Well" social Friday night... but you can easily make you one - decorated any cute way!! It'll take 2 minutes to cut out and make! It's a simple 4x6 cardstock cut-
out; scored at 2, 4 and cut down
the right-hand section in half diagonally. Tape down the diagonally pouch to hold band-aids and add embellishments! Decorate and ah-la!you've got an OWIE POUCH! What do you think about the "Carry-home" bag with a name on it?? Looks
better than the "plain-jane" from the last post... I didn't pull out the cricket - used the computer - I'm a sucker for desk-top publishing. It needed that - it's a "smile" project, now!