Pie Recipes!

For the month of FEBRUARY, the "A Team" (Andy, Alex and Aric) each are sharing their favorite REFRIGERATOR PIE recipe! These are listed on the left side of the blog... I had a daily reader that just realize the recipes over there- LOL! So, I decided to post these recipes before the month is over (3 days left... argh!)

Aric's favorite refrigerator pie recipe is the infamous Kyle's Kool-aid Pie! (his daddy makes a "mean" kool-aid pie! wink, wink!)

1 Kool-aid packet "unsweetened"
1 can Sweet Condensed Milk
1 Whipped Topping
1 Pie Shell
In a large bowl, mix together the kool-aid with the sweet condensed milk;
fold in the whipped topping and mixed well. Pour into a 9" pie shell -
refrigerate - serves 8.

Alex's favorite refrigerator pie is the classic CHERRY CREAM PIE (which is personally my favorite also! YUM!) It's a special day when this pie is made or we find it at a potluck luncheon!

1 can Cherry Pie Filling
1 Cream cheese - 8 oz.
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/3 cup Lemon Juice
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 pie shell
In a large bowl, mix cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice and vanilla until well blended. Pour into a prepared pie crust. Refrigerate; before serving - add cherry pie filling on top of pie.

Andy Hayes' favorite pie is a recipe from his great-grandmother in Alabama - a LEMON PIE. This recipe you can top with "whipped topping" or make a meringue with the remaining egg whites - your choice!

1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
3 Egg Yolks
(save egg whites for meringue)
3 Lemons
( or 1/2 cup lemon juice)
1 tsp. Lemon rind; grated
1 box Vanilla wafers
Crush enough vanilla wafers to line the bottome of a 9" pie plate; edge pan with whole wafers for the crust. Mix together the sweetened condensed milk,
egg yolks, lemon rind and juice until well blended. (Microwave lemons for 30 seconds and roll before cutting lemons to receive lots of juice!) Pour mixture over crust. Add meringue topping and brown or top with a whipped topping (like Cool Whip). Chill for 2 hours. before serving.

3 egg whites
6 Tblsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla.
Beat egg whites until frothy; gradually add sugar, continuing to beat until stiff peaks form. Add vanilla. Spoon onto pie, spreading to crust edge to seal. Bake at 325° for 15 to 18 minutes, until nicely browned.

Try out one of these pies this weekend - you'll be glad that you did!

Evidence that little touches do mean so much

Check this article out!
It's on how there is "Evidence that little touches do mean so much!" So hug the ones you love the most for 6 seconds TODAY! Send out a POSITIVE signal instead of negative! Have a great day!

Okay, okay - the answers!

Here's the answers for the two riddles in a past post... sorry! I forgot and had several get angry (okay - not angry - impatient (maybe)... I hugged them for 7 seconds to help!) cause I didn't give the answers...

What comes next in this sequence?


(add the last two number together to get the next number in the sequence!)

How about this one!

What is:

The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
And the end of every place

the letter E

Hug the ones you love... for at least 6 seconds!

In the Happiness Project - Week 8
So this week in the Happiness Project - we're suppose to hug, touch and kiss more... Watch the video from Gretchen herself (she's the author of the book!) I just love this idea... my normal closing of my blog post will NOW be "hug the ones you love the most... for at least 6 seconds" - hee hee! (I would only try this on family members and friends... the ones you love the MOST - and know you well enough to hold them 6 seconds long without suspecting something - LOL!) Try it and see if it makes you more happy this week!

Remember - "loving actions inspires loving feelings"!

Giving up the Route 44

It's been a whole WEEK since I've indulged in a Route 44 Cherry Coke! OMG - I LOVE these - but when I found out that this drink has 30 mg of sodium, 461 calories, not to mention the 125 grams of sugar - per serving (a Route 44 drink has 44 oz divide by 8 oz a serving... that's almost 5 servings...) ARGH!

And I was drinking one a day (...that's 7 cokes that I didn't drink - and severely missed!) So, it's been a week of just drinking unsweetened tea...! (Info found on www.sonicdrivein.com under menu and nutrition - but remember the info they give you is PER SERVING...)

Hopefully, by not putting these extra things into my body - my body will become better - more lighter... hmmmm! We will see! If I can see some significant weight-loss - maybe this will truly tell me that it's a great choice to choose not to drink my beloved, sweet, but sinful cokes... what do you think?

Wishing you a great week! Thanks for stopping by! Hug the ones you love the most!

Happy 21st Birthday

8:08 AM February 23,1989
6 lbs. 10 oz ; 20" long

OMG! My firstborn is 21 years old! Can ya believe it?
Happy Birthday Andy!
We love you!
"Be CAREFUL and have a great day!"

Hope you have started off to enjoying a a brand new week! Can ya believe SNOW again and it's in our forecast TWICE this week or is that THREE if you count next Sunday - ARGH! Darn that groundhog! Hee Hee! Guess we'll all appreciate spring IF it EVER gets here! Hang on - El Nino is here!

Put your "Thinking Cap" on... here's a riddle:

What comes next in this sequence?

How about this one!

What is:

The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
And the end of every place

Have a great week! Layer up and stay warm! I've got a "Black-eye Pea Soup" in the crock pot for supper - come on over! Hug the ones you love the most!

The "Floating" Head...!

This is a "funny" - Ding Dong was the announcer for our local elementary school's TV station this week. He wore a green shirt today and against the green screen - which was "snowing" today - his shirt became part of the background. SO! You are now viewing a pic of the
"Floating Head"

Have a great weekend! Hug the ones you love the most!

Adding another resolution to the list...!

During a recent "blog surfing" event (which happens a couple of times a week) I read a blog that totally blew me away...

Did you know that two-thirds of Americans are overweight?

That diet-related diseases are the nation’s biggest killer. Smoking costs the country less than obesity. And for the first time in four generations, current American children have a shorter expected lifespan than their parents by 10 whole years, largely because of what they eat at home and at school.


-my child will live 10 years LESS

- and we think that we are so "advanced" in our technology and our knowledge from years past? OMG!

One of the reason for this rise in obesity, diabetes and heart disease is that few people cook, instead relying on fast food and store-bought junk.

SO! One of my major resolutions for this year (and life) is for

My sons to be able to COOK

- and cook healthy! We are involved in 4-H and the food show is a big project for us. My boys do know basic nutrient knowledge and have acquired some shopping skills. But we're going to "bump it up" - I want my sons to be able to cook and live longer! "To be able to pass up McDonald's for something "home cooked" instead... "

In reading about this issue, this man gave 10 simple recipes every ones needs to be able to cook... hmmmm! I'm going to come up with some of my own... New LIST coming soon! LOL! Oh! How I love to make lists...

What do you think?

What are some necessary recipes that kids should learn to cook - for a healthier lifestyle?


Looking for simple recipes: a healthy breakfast, a basic soup, a nutritious casserole, a simple salad, a healthy sandwich, a balanced meal, a healthy & yummy dessert - cookie, cake, pie, a healthy snack... what else?

Sweet/Sour Meatball Recipe

Hello! It's been a while for a Recipe Swap - sorry! I had made a point to post a recipe weekly - I'm trying! This week's recipe is a weird one that I acquired when living in Alabama from my sweet ex-sister-in-law (hey Nee'!) It's an odd combination of items (grape jelly, chile sauce, mustard...) over meatballs or little smokies and it's VERY tasty!

We're having a Potluck Lunch (LOVE IT!) at school today and I've fixed these recipes - needed something for a crockpot to stay warm!
Also made a "Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake" - using the PW's recipe . OMG - this chocolate cake is truly an AWESOME recipe and VERY "easy-peasy" - totally! If you haven't made this recipe - you really should! It's a recipe that I've had forever - the Pioneer Woman just makes it so easy with all her step-by-step pictures. I've seen it made with sour cream or adding vinegar... I choose the version with buttermilk! I know- ARGH! - buttermilk - but in cooking... buttermilk is often a "must" for a great taste - to drink by itself - YUK! Not for me! hee hee!

Here's a recipe for a great appetizer or a good potluck meat to take in a crockpot!

Sweet/Sour Meatballs
1 jar (10 oz.) Chili Sauce (I like Heinz)
1 cup Grape Jelly
1 to 3 teaspoons Yellow Mustard
A sprinkle of Garlic Salt
A bag of frozen Meatballs
(or a batch of home cooked)
or use a bag or two of the "Lil' Smokie" cocktail sausages

Combine all in a crockpot, heat to melt the jelly and other ingredients - serve warm!


Recipes have been a weekly post for me for almost a year - WOW! The reason to start was to meet the request of several female students that wanted recipes to fill their recipe boxes for future uses! Also my oldest son in Alabama, craves his home cooked meals sometimes, and he wants recipes... so this was the reason. I've been approached by http://www.foodista.com to submit some of my recipes and to enter a recipe contest - are any of you acquainted with this website? If so, I sure would like your take on it - please! It's a online cooking encyclopedia - where you can edit the recipes?!?! Also they've got an upcoming cookbook to be published featuring Best of Food Blog recipes - it simply could be a "money maker" for someone - I've got to do some research first! Thanks for the help!

Hope you are having a great week! Take care and thanks for stopping by! Hug the ones you love the most!

Geocaching... What is it?

Hey! How are you? Are you having a great "FAT TUESDAY"? We're learning about Mardi Gras today in class - and making a Mardi Gras bracelet out of purple, green and yellow yarn - yahoo!

Hope you are having a great week! This weekend - we had beautiful weather! Our family made a quick trip to Lubbock, taking a car to my niece and we planned to find some GEOCACHES along the way.

There have been several requests and questions about what exactly it is... "What is GEOCACHING?"
It's like a "Scavenger Hunt". You become a member on http://www.geocaching.com (it's free!). You put in your home address - the website figures out your coordinates (longitude/latitude) and will tell you on a map where the closest geocaches are located. Here's an example of geocaches located in Lubbock, Texas.

When you go on a trip, you go to the website, put in where you are going and it locates the geocaches on the way!! When you select a geocache - you can write down the coordinates or "easier yet" - just put it into your GPS!! And it'll take you right to it - wow!

What do you find?? It can be anything from a "micro-cache" - a very small tube with just a paper log - and you sign and date it. Other times it's a box or something with items to switch and share, along with a log to sign and date! Our family has begun to save all the free toys that we get from kid's meals or just free"doo-dads" - magnets, pencils, stickers, pins... to switch into a geocache! After you find a geocache - you go back to the website and log your visit.
The idea is to find as many geocaches as you can!
Here are some pics of the sites that we visited this weekend. A lot of the geocaches are placed in "points of interest" and you can enjoy learning something! This pic is one of the largest geocache found - so far! See the chest?? That's the geocache...
It's fun, easy and my boys get a kick out of trying to find the geocache. In the beginning, we were amazed to find 6 geocaches within 3 miles of our house. Today, there are 988,497 active geocaches around the world. We've found 37 - yahoo! LOL!

Hope that explanation helps!

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Hang in there and have a great week, this week! Thanks for stopping by - Hug the ones you love the most!

Things that I love...

(saw this on another post...)

What do you LOVE?

I mean really - Love, Love, LOVE...
Feel free to share things that you love, too!

I love...

Ya know the kind, the big "belly laugh", tears in your eyes - laughter!

A Good Book
Enjoy a good mystery - anytime!

A Rainy Afternoon
Snuggling up with my loved ones inside!

Warm Cookies
The smell of homemade cookies - yum!

A smile
It lightens up the face, along with the heart

Who doesn't like a good afternoon nap?

It's where I call home - the "flat" lands

My Housekeeper
To come home to a clean house - OMG - wonderful!

A Bargain!
Finding something I want... "on sale"

The 80's
Reminds me of very good times!
(& lots of hairspray!)

A piece of ART
especially if I've taught about it in class and get to see it "for real"!

A Dog
Love to find a dog and give 'em a good rub!

My Boys
Their smell, voice and humor

Classical Music
Something to "unplug" to...

Friday Night Football
Something about being in a stadium with school spirit

I love my family members!

and the ones on my neck from my hubby! ;)

A Friend
Ahhhh - the memories we have!

My Husband
especially when he vacuums in his black socks... LOL!

What do you love?

Happy Sweet 16 Amber!

Happy Birthday to my sweet niece, Amber! Hope you have a great day! Gonna take you out for lunch Saturday and bring "Ole Blue" to ya!
Happy Birthday!

NJHS Pics / Making Valentines!

How are you?
Busy and cold here! Time is flying... and we're desperately trying to catch up and hang on! LOL...

Just want to share some pictures from the CJHS ceremony of the National Junior Honor Society with Alex and the rest of the 7th graders who met the requirements! He was so nervous... but we're proud of him! This class was one of the largest (23) to be inducted in CJHS history - WOW!

Aric is busy making Valentine Day goodies for 4th grade. Got this idea for a treat holder here - too cute! Aric was in charge of the "stamping" and filling of candy and I assembled them - hope the 4th graders like 'em!

The local Jr. High 4-H club on Tuesday made 70 Valentine Worm Pencil treats for the trays of the local Meals on Wheels! Got this idea here! This craft wasn't as easy as hoped! The 2 girls got a hold of the idea pretty quick... but the 10 boys did NOT... argh! At the end - we met our goal with 70 completed treats! (The recipients may wonder what the "heck" these pencil things are... hee hee!)

Snow, snow, snow here in the big C-Town all this week! It's so pretty... IF you're home and watching from a window - huh! Hope you are hanging in there! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!