Our "Mystery Trip" choice was...
"Trip B" - Lubbock, TX!
(A. Amarillo, Texas and C. Carlsbad Cavern )
The weather was cloudy and chilly - ruling out trip C - so we traveled to Lubbock and geocached for 2 days!

Stayed the night at the Quality Inn (34th / Loop 287) - we highly recommend this motel - they gave us a great price for a 2 bed suite; hot breakfast, heated pool, fitness room, wireless internet and it was located in a nice location of Lubbock.
Gotta tell you about a special geocache that we found... it took some thinking of how to get the cache out!
On the geocache site, they allow "hints" and other geocachers left "how to's" to achieve the goal. It took two visits - and some supplies; plus extra hands - but we did it!
The geocache was titled "H2O Straight Up" - the geocache is in the pvc pipe that is bolted to the fence behind some trees.
How would you get it out?
The hint was to bring a GALLON of water - so we did, BUT there were also "holes" for the water to drain out of the pvc pipe - SO! you have to plug up the holes as you pour in the water... others used tape - I used my sons! They each had a hole to cover and we poured the water in the tube to float up the cache that was attached to a bobber... SO COOL!
We love, love, LOVE geocaching - grabbed 20 caches on this trip... want to hit a total of 300 by Spring Break - leaving us only 18 days to complete this "benchmark" that we've set up! Go, go - GO!
Andy Hayes - deflated our ego; he and his buddies grabbed 29 over the weekend as they traveled over to Mississippi - Boo! But our total is still the best! LOL! Love that kid - we just have a healthy "competition" going on!
Hope you had an AWESOME weekend - thanks for stopping by! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...