What an AWESOME time in Midland
our family had this weekend!

Both of my parents were raised in Midland, Tx. We took my mom - the "Ging" along with us to Midland, as we followed the high school Childress Bobcats to the regional basketball tournament. It's always a nostalgic visit when we travel there.
We played Friday night against "Jim Ned" (Tuscola, Tx) and lost a great game. Our Bobcats did a great job this year - breaking old records and making new ones in our basketball history for the school - very PROUD of these boys! Even though we lost, both teams prayed together after the game - AWESOME to see this happen!
Go Bobcats!
My 1st cousin lives in Midland and we had the joy of visiting her and her sweet family - Paula's husband Chris and "princess" Grace all weekend! They were in the middle of packing up and moving the next week - but took out of their busy schedule for some family time. We had a WONDERFUL time - and even taught them about geocaching! Here are some pics from our adventures geocaching in Midland!
Here's a pic of Paula's 1st cache, the boys are giving tribute to "Rascal" (a family cat that has passed) at this cache and we had a pleasant stroll with Gracie in the wagon as we geocached for Chris' 1st cache - just around the corner from their house. We were able to grab 21 geocaches on this trip - including two new geocoins and adding four new counties in Texas to our profile! Yahoo!
Now! It's back to school "for a week" - Spring Break is coming fast! Praise the Lord! Have a great week - remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...