Good Day to you!
Happy Summer to all!
Love, love, LOVE the summer!

One thing that I look forward to in the summer - its CLEANING! (I know- sick, crazy woman!) But, it's true - I can "REALLY" clean in the summer - room by room - at my own pace - and clean from top to bottom! Also, cleaning out closets and updating SIZES of clothes for my boys - Andy now gets the "hand-me-downs"! LOL!
ANDY HAYES - we miss you! One of the main reasons for this blog is to keep my oldest son - who lives in Alabama, up-to-date with what's happening in Texas!
Love this pic of him; taken in June - Andy and friends were bored one night - so they face painted! LOL! Who does that sound like... poor thing! Okay - the BLONDE PART - is that the paint stained his face - good thing that he didn't work for the next 3 days! Crazy Kid! "The nut does not fall far from the tree", huh! Ironically enough, the same night - I spent 3 hours downtown painting faces at the Palace Party!
Andy is working full time for Coca-Cola in Hamilton, Alabama. He's become a "workaholic" - working 60+ hours - guess it's keeping him out of trouble and "unfortunately" also out of Texas! Boo! Love you, Andy Hayes!
This is a picture is out in our front yard and street - argh! The City is replacing the main water line down our Avenue G street this summer over in the southeast of town! I'm not complaining - the improvements are so necessary - it's just "Here's What's Happening In Our Neck Of The Woods" !! (That was in my best Al Roker's voice...)
Wishing you a FABULOUS week - 4th of July week! Thanks for stopping by! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...