KV and I wait until school is out to Christmas shop! "We POWER SHOP!" KV teaches, at night, a college class in the fall specifically for Christmas money! We have done this method for the last 10 years - but this is the first year that we have waited SO LATE to shop - argh! We grabbed "the Ging", the boys and headed to Lubbock for a long weekend. We "killed 2 birds with 1 stone" by celebrating Christmas with my brother's family and also shopping for Christmas three days before Christmas day.
The boys are old enough to understand whats going on but they had the opportunity to stay at the hotel and swim while we shopped! Next year, its shopping all "on line"! LOL! We found items easy enough that were on our list - it was waiting in lines that was the toughest! But we did get it done! Now, to wrap it all and prepare for a party Christmas Eve tomorrow! (no panic time...)
Here's some pictures of CA and his family that we took celebrating Christmas with them. The girls are growing fast - Amber is 19 and just finished her first semester at South Plains College, Arin is 13 and in the 7th grade at Frenship Jr. High. Our main thing to do with the Christy's is EAT... we enjoyed Panda Express and Olive Garden this trip.
Before we came home - we hit the movie place and saw the movie "Life of Pi" (KV had read the book and REALLY wanted to see this movie); watching it in 3-D - which is awesome! The visual effects are W.O.W.! Shopping done - now starting our Christmas celebration.