Ready for a GREAT weekend, YOU?
Why do many people claim to
"live for the weekend"?
Guess because they are unfulfilled by their 9-5 jobs? No, that's not the case here, I really enjoy my job - every day is a new experience at high school, ya know!
But I do love the weekends
- free from work pressure/word load - but it's catch-up on housework at the house... hmmmm So! the workload is there - just different! Laundry, menu making, grocery buying, cleaning - but I do like the weekend! Think it's just a saying that we all use... makes the weekends special! So, here's wishing you a great weekend and a great week and a great life - LOL! Staying positive!

Yesterday, my oldest son turned 23! ARGH! Wasn't it just yesterday that I was changing diapers on this kid??
Andy Hayes
is a sweet young man -
that needs a sweet, young Christian girl
(that lives in Texas...)
did I just type that last part... hahahaha!
Happy Birthday, Andy!

Also this week, my sweet niece turned 15...
Laurin Elizabeth - Happy Birthday!
It's an awesome thing to be able to teach your "kinfolk" in class!
She's truly a sweetheart!

We are aiming for our goal of hitting a total of 300 geocaches this weekend! We have 291 now and would like to find "at least" 9 more to hit 300 before Spring Break!
Wish us luck as we adventure out and snag some up in Shamrock, Texas and where ever it may lead us!

Good luck to our CHS Bobcat Basketball team - they are on their way to compete in the AREA championship against the Stanton Buffalos tonight. Alex is the manager of the team - he's the one on the bench keeping stats on the ipad... technology! Go Bobcats!
This has been a VERY busy week! Wishing you and your family a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by - next on the agenda is card swap pics, "hopefully" our 300 geocache benchmark picture and some recipe swaps! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...