Wishing you an awesome
2012 holds 366 days - with the extra day falling
at the end of February!
With this special day only coming every 4 years - we celebrated it with several fun activities!

School-wise; we celebrated a HUGE win, from the night before, with our basketball team - who is now headed to the Regional tournament in Midland this weekend. Go Blue! Our CHS Band received all "1" ratings at concert today - they did a fabulous job! Our baseball, softball, tennis, golf, power lifting and track teams are ALL training and in "full beast mode" (quoted from a student...)!! Aaaahhhh - the spring - brings on VERY busy schedules at school!

We did it!
We hit our "milestone" of 300
caches in the fun sport of geocaching today. We found a cache in a small cemetery going to Oklahoma - ancient tombstones... also receiving a "souvenir" badge on our profile - here's a pic of that badge (on the left) and a family pic of us getting our 300th cache!
Andy Hayes, did you get your badge for Leap Day?
It was a beautiful day - this Leap Day 2012!
Wishing you a great day - and "the rest of the week"! Next post will have monthly card swaps - so come back soon! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...