Good Day to YOU!
Thanks for stopping by!
My weekly "Recipe Swaps" have been slacking and I apologize!
But, I have one for you this week - it's the Homemade Laundry Soap that I shared with you HERE at this post but I've got a suggestion for ya - so it's a REVISED recipe!
On my 2nd batch of homemade Laundry Soup (makes 3 gallons = approx. 3 months worth) - I added a 1/3 cup of "Downy Unstopable" pellets - it's a laundry fragrance booster! This product is a little pricey - but divided out to what you are saving on laundry soap and the nice smell you achieve - it's worth it!
"Revised" Homemade Laundry Soap
1 bar "Fel Naptha Soap"; grated
1 cup Washing Soda (Arm & Hammer)
1 cup Borax (20 Mule Team)
1/3 cup "Downy Unstopable" pellets
3 - 1 gallon "recycled" plastic containers
Here's a link with more instructions and pictures of "step-by-step" instructions. I really like this homemade product - and my clothes smell and feel very CLEAN!
Just a note that we are DONE with our annual Texas 4-H Record Book submission - 2 of them; Aric - "Recreation" - intermediate level and Alex - "Citizenship/Civic Education" senior level.
Texas has changed their format - including a choice of 3 different formats: online, pdf or MSWord type of form. This did make it easier - but this task is the MOST GRUELING part of 4-H - but it's also one of the most important part of the program! BOTH record books are completed and turned in - with the help of "The Ging" - she's my proofreader and nerve-soother! THANK YOU! And I want to point out - that I didn't have any "melt downs" or break downs this year - LOL!
Now - it's on to a great summer break- Hurray! Summer cleaning and reading! On my KINDLE are these books for June:
After talking with your friends and family - I must confess that I'm a "social reader"!
I like to read what everyone else is and discuss it - but this book (by E.L. James) maybe the "breaker" - BEWARE! This book is for mature audiences ONLY! OMG... you've been warned! Everyone is reading this series of 3 books, but... GEESH - I don't think they can make these into a movie w/o being rated XXX. This is my opinion and I've only read 1/2 of the first book - but I may not be able to finish this series... way too graphic!
Thanks for stopping by - I've got June Card Swaps on the agenda and a Pool Party to share! Have a great week! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...