Talent Show

Alex is our piano player .  He loves to perform!  This Saturday night, the annual area Talent Show was held.  Alex was to play "In the Mood" on the piano - a very difficult piece.  He's been working on this since August, but it wasn't ready to be performed yet.  So on Thursday - his music teacher decided on Alex playing the "Lucy & Linus" theme song and "Chariots of Fire" -  theme song that Alex hasn't played since May!!! OMG - Now, I'm panicking, but not Alex - he actually can remember both from memory!  So with lots and lots of practicing (thanks Gerald and Ging!) Alex pulls off a great performance and brings home a trophy!  We were very proud.  He had tough competition - and Alex's friend won top honors.  Cudos BB!  Alex - you're amazing!  Kyle and I get more nervous than Alex - the little toot!  But he does make us proud!  Now if he'll just "flush" EVERY time and clean his room...

1 comment:

Stephanie Harbin said...

I can't believe you said that online!! Poor Alex! When he needs counseling as a teenager, I will remember this.