Mind Maps

How do you study? About 10 years ago, CHS had a workshop to learned a new method of learning and teaching using "Mind Maps" - if I had this in school (back in the day...) OMG! I had sort-of done this all along, just didn't realize what my brain what trying to do to store and recall data!! MIND MAPPING is the way I live! My students, my own children & family, people who have heard me teach - anyone who knows me well- knows that I mind map! Are you a list maker... can't do anything without a list? That's me! But now, my list is a Mind Map!
Okay, what is a "mind map", you say? On the infamous wikipedia, it defines a Mind Map as a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.
Have you ever heard the saying "A pictures is worth a thousand words"? That's the concept of mind mapping - drawing out symbols and little icons in color to represent a WHOLE bunch of info. Studying each night - recalling up all the stuff you're trying to study or learn - you can remember it with this method.
My two youngest boys are using this method in preparing for the 4-H District
Food Show on Saturday. This method was used with Andy countless of times... with major success (wonder if he's using it now in college - Andy? Are you even studying...??)They both are designing up a mind map, hanging it in their room where they can look and study it from their bed - recalling up the information and refreshing their memory. I teach this way - I teach my students how to use a mind map; some like it - some don't! Everyone is different! You ought to see my Bible - it's full of drawings and little pictures - but I remember by those drawings... okay, you already knew I was weird!! Look into it if you are a list maker or a doodler... make those things work for you and improve your memory or studying skills. What? You don't study anything any more... ahhhh! You should be learning something new everyday - hey! If you rest, you rust... Study and learn something new... try it! Make a "Mind Map"!