Also tonight, is a pic of a "cricket" cut/stamped
Christmas card. Talk about "tedious" - my eyesight is already weak - putting small items in place is not easy as it use to be! Just like threading a needle! Hole? There's a hole at the top of that needle? - where?! I've got a LOT of practicing to do to master this cricket thing... guess I'll fit it in during my 11 PM - 2 AM shift!
How are you handling this cold weather? It was COLD today! We went to work this morning and it was 24 degrees! ( I've got friends in Canada that this statement will be funny - hey! 24 degrees is a warm day - it's the 24 degrees BELOW thats cold, huh!) Not for me... I love a little cold, a little snow and then back to 60-70 degrees for me!
This is "crock-pot" weather! I soaked beans last night and cooked them in the
crock-pot all day - makes for a very "aromatic" step inside the house - yum!
Cooked cornbread too - but I used a mix and yuck-ola ): I'm not sure what I did, but we all opted for NO CORNBREAD tonight! It was terrible! I'll make it from scratch next time - I can handle that! The boys got their homework done and piano practice over with, shower and in bed by 9:15PM or Alex did... Aric dragged a little behind tonight... like a hour - he's my night owl - too much like his dad. We read "Cat in the Hat" tonight - I would've like to meet Dr. Seuss... (yes! I would eat green eggs and ham, Sam I am! -- "random thought", sorry! ) TGIF tomorrow - I LOVE the weekends! Hug your loved ones and have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!