This post is bragging on my OTHER kids -
My Students!
I'm around these kids so much -that I've just adopted them all - LOL! That's the perk of teaching - meeting and getting to know and love the different kids that I teach! Or they teach me...! Every day is different and new at school! (Remind me of this on "bad" days... okay!)In art class this week - we're painting ROCKS! We're using our imagination to create something out of a rock! This is one of their favorite projects that we do in the spring! With all the testing, spring sports and just the "ending" of school - this works well with wacky schedules!
Speaking of sports - at CHS - our spring sports (golf, tennis, softball, baseball, and track) have really excelled! We've had play-offs for most of these sports. This weekend, our baseball team - they are doing so good this year - are playing in an area tournament (3 games) in Odessa in "area play-offs" - we're hoping for a trophy there! And our track is taking a big group and headed to Austin for the State Track Meet there. We're hoping for GOLD there also! Here's a pic for the Thursday morning send-off by the student body. Good luck CHS STUDENTS - U R AWESOME!
Dustin Williams, son of Keith and Larissa Williams was diagnosed with "non-hodgkin's lymphoma" (He's 16 years old) a couple of months ago. After his first round of chemo at MD Anderson - his hair was beginning to fall out - SO! His dad shaved his head, along with others - including Dustin, himself, some of Dustin's friends and Dustin's little brother - SO SWEET! He's headed back to Houston today for his 2nd round of chemo. LOVE this kid and his family - super, special people. Please say a prayer that all goes well for Dustin and his family this next week. We believe and are praying for a complete recovery from this disease. His body has responded very well to his first treatment and his tumor has "melted" - God answers prayers! (Here's Dustin in the striped shirt on the right - along with friends from CHS)
Hope you are having a great week! We started out with SUMMER weather (high 90's) and today it's 60 degrees - argh! Texas - if you don't like the weather, just wait - it'll change! Hug the ones you love - REAL tight! Thanks for dropping by!
I just love reading your blog. It is always so much fun. THANKS for all YOU do for your students! You truly are rare in the HS teaching field. Wanting to get to know your students and love them for who they are! I know others love their students but you just seem to stand out.
Dustin is a special young man surrounded by special friends, family and community. Prayers are still being lifted and I am so proud of his friends for standing by him!
Thanks for being you!
Hey, I just got a super-duper cute post it note holder in the mail. You shouldn't have! But I love it!! Where, oh, where did all my mom's creative genes go to? Thank you so much! Love you!
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