Happy Anniversary!
Today is our 15th year wedding anniversary!
15 years... WOW! Here's wedding day - and today pics!
And if you are from the big C-Town - that's the Golden Dragon restaurant behind us - and YES it's open and sooooooooooo good! The Lo Family is back - yahoo! GD's buffet is as good as before - yum!
Here's the card that I made for KV for our anniversary! "Owl Cute" edition!
Last week, Aric and I went to our favorite "Crop Shop" to attend a "Stampin' Up" party with our favorite demonstrator -Steph - and she had the kids and us make a Father's Day card... I took her "owl" idea and added a white owl and made it into an Happy Anniversary" card - what do you think? KV liked it! Aric gave his Father's Day card to his PaPa Floyd!
Alex is on the LCU campus this week at Camp Champion. It's just for junior high students - this is his first year to attend this camp. I guess "No news, is good new" - Alex is one that doesn't correspond much - he even has a cell phone with him - argh! Oh well, we're headed to Lubbock tomorrow to pick him up early on Friday - I haven't been on my old college campus in a LONG time - course without my BFF "Fitz" - it won't be the same anyways! Aaahhhh - the memories!
The results for the "spray tan" are mixed! Yes! It works and I have a tan! It's day 6 and I still have color. Although I'm an old woman and "age spots" tan dark... didn't know that I had SO MANY of these spots until after the tanning! ARGH! So, I am scheduled for two more sessions before the cruise - it's a lot safer than tanning - and faster! If interested for more info - contact F3 in Childress - next spray tanning session with Brooke is schedule for July 1.

OMG! Our rating on the new pixar/disney movie TOY STORY 3 is AWESOME! 4 thumbs up! We did see it in 3D also! Check out the 3d glass pic!
LOL! We LOVED the movie, but BEWARE - it's a tear-jerker! The last 10 minutes will truly rip your heart out. This movie has always been a special one for us - we have an ANDY - so we relate with so many things that happen - BUT this last movie was a

"doozie" - audible sobbing in the movie theatre from so many at the end - it touched our hearts! Go see it - everyone! It's that good!
Speaking of ANDY - he got a HAIRCUT! Yes! It's true - they are few and far between in Andy's world of "college life" (LOL!) Check it out! Beautiful pic, huh! Just what a mom loves to receive on her cell, huh! Love you, Andy Hayes - you "goofy kid"!
KV is still working hard in the back yard - even though it's SO HOT in the afternoon! I think his expression here says it all! NOT! or is that HOT! They are working on removing an old tree stump - ask him about all the BUGS - gross! Only found a million...
I've finally finished my June Card Swap cards this week - Steph really challenged us this month! We were to make a card that included a book marker! I made 4 different designs before I found a keeper! More info on the swaps later. Just thankful that I had the extra time of the summer to complete these cards! Now it's back to organizing the garage - getting ready to purchase new garage doors soon, I hope!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you are doing well and having a great, RELAXING summer! Stay cool and come back soon! Remember to hug the ones you love the most!
1 comment:
Okay, I'm glad you warned me about the movie. I can't even get through the promo thinking about Andy going off to college without sobbing! I guess it's hard when you have an Andy, huh?
Ha ha to LCU - I still remember going to see you in the follies! :-)
I can't believe the Golden Dragon is still there. So good!
Happy anniversary!! Want me to come help you paint something on the underpass to commemorate it?
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