Hope this post finds you doing WONDERFUL - Wishing you a great day - today!

This is a post that will contain "card projects" - WARNING!
I have a few followers that HATE my post on cards... okay - maybe HATE is a strong word! They don't understand the need to make cards and other "artsy-fartsy" things. I like this poster to my left... it sums it up! LOL!
I find that this to be my "therapy" ! To unwind - I make things, to think - I make things, to relax - I make things; when frustrated - I make things!! This weekend - I've been working in my studio A LOT trying to sort things out! My studio area is very clean and organized "at this time" - (Should take a pic - because it won't last long!)
Our August "Sip & Swap" card group had the BEST swap - since I've been going! We've added 2 new members & the theme was Christmas. Our stamping members really outdid themselves - each card was AWESOME. Stephanie (our local Stampin' Up Demonstrator) will hopefully post all of the card swaps here -
Here is a pic of all of us at the August Swap - we are at Renee Lambert's "Crop Shop" on the HWY 287 in Childress, Tx. (What a neat store... and has room for you to come and scrap - super cool) This is my card swap below.
It's a SANTA card that holds a standard CHOCOLATE BAR - who wouldn't like that for a gift! It also could be "tweeked" to hold a coupon or $$! I CASED the front of the card from this blog here. I wanted something whimsical and able to be functional as well - for a quick gift.
I also made this type of card for my "secret sister" - one that features a bookworm on front - (it's for a book club) and holds a candy bar inside... On the STAMPTV website, I've joined several groups along w/fellow stampers - including geocachers and avid book readers! This month, our book club is doing a "secret sister" gift exchange - we're making homemade gifts along w/giving books to a member of the group. I'll be posting more later on this - it's a SECRET!
Here are my SEPTEMBER birthday cards for my church family. It's been so nice to work in my studio (aka - the garage) with weather in the 80's instead of the 100's! Not sweating too death is a good thing! Ha!
Hope you are ready for a great week! I've got a new recipe for you on Wednesday that is SO GOOD! Made it this week - you're going to like it - so be sure and check back! Remember to hug the ones you love the most - until next time...