Here's a post on family - our busy October weekend! We're going to have to go back to school to rest! Something about a routine... Whew! Didn't know if we would make it through... but here we are - thank the Lord! We had a full weekend!
Thursday - we traveled to the big town of Wellington for Alex's Freshman Football game - go #24! Love the Texas sunset in the background, huh!

Friday night was the annual fund raiser for 4-H - the Mexican Stack Up! Here are the boys working the door, taking tickets under the guidance of "The Ging" - like our new 4-H shirts? First purple shirt in our closets - of course, it's Ging's FAVE color! LOL! We all wanted something new - "a dark shade of purple" fit the bill. Our club did an excellent job working together and making this event a complete success. We had lots of hungry people come and consume good food - served by great kids of the community!
Next was the annual Flag Presentation at the CHS Bobcat football game - the group of 4-Hers walked over to the stadium and hung up the flag before the game. This is an annual event also but this year, Alex was one of the 4-Hers hanging the flag!
Saturday was time for sorting laundry and then two games of Flag Football!
Here's a picture of Aric's team - the Steelers! Coach Sam is the best! Only two more weekends of playing flag football this season. The weather was hot and we all were sunburned by the end of the 2nd game! Crazy Texas weather! Can't believe this is Aric's last year to play flag football!
So, with the County Food Show the next day - studying was what I had in mind for the rest of Saturday... BUT! With the Texas Rangers, Texas Tech Homecoming football game and the Alabama ("Roll Tide") football all playing games that were televised - studying was rather difficult... we watched all three AND still studied for food show - Everyone one came out great - well, except TTU - it was an exciting night!
Sunday came - and the 4-H County Food Show went just fine! Both boys entered in the Main Dish division - Aric in intermediates and Alex as a Senior; both are new to their age group! This year, the Food Show was held at the CHS Media Center.
Both boys came out on top and will be attending the 4-H District Food Show on November 5! I'll post their recipes later! Their display and "focus" this year is on SPINACH - adding more to your weekly diet! Have you check out the new food groups... things are a lot different with the USDA Daily Food Plan! Go check out to find out more! The Food Show prizes were outstanding - the boys were thrilled with their new items. It was a good day. The boys each did their part and gave 100% - very proud of 'em!
Now - it's clean up the kitchen and wash clothes, as we get ready for another full week! Soooooo ready to get my car back... it's transmission DIED and it's been 2 weeks. Luckily, it's all under warranty - but we are missing having a 2nd vehicle! Also had a MAJOR water leak this week - outside in the backyard. KV woke up and could hear water running in the wee hours Wednesday morning - our backyard was a lake - ARGH! But we had a plumber come and fix it by the afternoon - another reason we live in a small town! Love our small town (most of the time...!)
Love the fall - but I am tired! Ah! If you rest - you rust, right? LOL!
That's our "busy October weekend" - how was yours? Thanks for stopping by! Remember to hug the ones you love the most - until next time...
wow!! I am just exhausted!! Too much going on.....
wow,just reading about the busyness makes me tired! I hope you do get some rest. Thanks for the fun cache God Bless...geocaching. I was the one that found it! That's a quaint town you live in. Maybe next time we can meet!
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