Hello there!
It's been so beautiful the last two weeks - know that cooler days are ahead - just soaking up the fall season each day!

Both boys played their last football game Thursday night against Bushland. We chose to stay in town for Alex's game - when dropping off Aric (who was traveling away) remarked that he was going to run for a long touchdown and was sorry that we would miss it... (guilt trip!) Guess what? The little toot did - he ran a 82 yard touchdown for the last one of the 7th grade season - ARGH! Great! - well, all I have are some pictures of Aric during his last pep rally - playing the drums.
Don't they look handsome in their suits - where are my little boys?
Wishing you a great week - can't believe that we are fixing to be off for Thanksgiving break - yahoo! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...