Remember that #1 son of mine that lives in Alabama - the one that we haven't seen in ONE YEAR? Yep! That's Andy Hayes and he's finally here, in Texas, for a early Christmas visit! YAHOO!

He drove all night, Saturday night and arrived in Texas early Sunday morning - looking like this! O.M.G. This kid has a BEARD - and it's RED! Wow - what a year can change, huh! Andy is all grown up... not sure I like this! It's bitter-sweet! He doesn't need me any more - so independent - His "new look" reminded us of these:

Andy is working for Coca-cola - now for 6 months; last week, he was promoted up to the top merchandiser of West Alabama! He really likes this job. He is at work by 5 am and works 10-12 hour days - Andy bought and is remodeling a house in Hamilton, Alabama. We are planning a "road trip" Spring Break to check out this house! He only has 3 big screen T.V.s - his baby is 70" wide - a true bachelor's pad, huh!

Last story about Andy Hayes - before we followed him to OKC for a Christmas weekend - he went and bought himself TEXAS ware - a pearl snap shirt, cowboy boots, belt, buckle - along with a cowboy hat. Yep! There still is a little TEXAS in Andy Hayes - AWESOME!

Poor Alex - during Andy's visit, Alex experienced some horrible tooth pain - resulting in some cellulitis - that's where the area puffs up from the infection. So blessed that we live in a small town - our dentist rushed Alex in immediately and started up an antibiotic to fight the infection and a pain killer for the tremendous pain that he was having. Alex broke off his two front teeth in 5th grade - and this is a result of this - seeing a "root canal" specialists during the holiday break!
That's our exciting week and weekend with Andy Hayes! Thanks for stopping by and letting me share! Wishing you a great week and merry times as you prepare for Christmas! Remember to hug the ones you love love the most, until next time...