Currently, Childress High School has TWO teams in the play-offs for high school basketball! Yahoo! Our Bobcats and Lady Cats are having a GREAT year!

This school year, our family has seen more basketball games than EVER! LOL With Aric playing for school and on a traveling team (and will be playing through April) and Alex as the varsity manager for High School - we have become avid basketball parents! We are learning a lot!
We've got spirit - My Art classes made signs Monday for the teams! It's getting exciting here at CHS!
This Tuesday, we had an early dismissal from school, to travel to Lubbock, TX - BOTH teams played at Lubbock Christian's Rip Griffin Center! The girls at 5 PM and the boys at 8 PM. It was a LOOOOOOOONG day, but so worth it - Childress won each of their games.

Unfortunately, we are not traveling Friday night - supporting our teams via radio! KV and I are enrolled in a 10 hour Concealed Handgun Class on Saturday. We both never dreamed that in the field of education - that we would need our CHL license... I've got mixed emotions about this issue! We will have lots to learn Saturday - prayers will be needed!
Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you a great "rest of the week"! Up soon will be a recipe swap and January's Card Swap post - so stay in touch! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...