Homemade "Leather" Cleaner... Love it!

Found a new HOMEMADE 

"Cost Efficient "

Leather Cleaner 

that I LOVE... 

and it's simple.  

We are the owners of two couches, love-seat & several chairs plus an ottoman ALL of leather...  it has been somewhat expensive to up-keep and clean these furniture pieces - UNTIL NOW...  


1 plastic bottle
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup regular white Vinegar
- shake before using!  

How simple is that??  I use a cotton rag, spray and wipe the furniture.  You could add some essential oil for fragrance - but the vinegar smell does not last long at all and is not overwhelming like I had anticipated the first time using this cleaner!  

So, if you've been spending $7+ for 30 leather wipe tissues and would like to save some $$ - try this homemade concoction!

Hang in there - it's finally the month of JUNE.  What do you have planned for the summer?  I now have the time to clean, clean, clean!  Something that has waited until now... how nice!  Be sure and check back soon! 

Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...