Have I said how much I love "My Boys" lately?
Kyle and I both put pictures in our Bibles. This pic fell out of Kyle's Bible on Sunday at the end of church and I grabbed it - KV wouldn't let me keep it, so I had to scan the photo to keep for myself! Think it was taken on Senior Sunday when Andy was fixing to graduate high school (May '07; Andy doesn't normally wear a suit; also accounts for Aric holding on to Andy so tight... he loves his big brother and takes it hard when he leaves...). This picture reminded me just how blessed I really am!
These guys (including Kyle) make my day! They are the reason I breathe! As a mother, I never could imagine loving these boys SO MUCH! Each are so different, but so alike - besides the blonde hair and blue eyes! Each are special in their own sweet way. They are so precious to me and I'm very proud to be their MOM! I love you guys!
Andy, Alex & Aric - the "A" Team!
Of course, I love Kyle also! He's the one left after all the "chicks leave the coop" and then we'll live happily ever after!
1 comment:
Okay, all I can think of when I see this picture is "BABY KITTENS" tee hee hee. Cute blogs Melissa. You are soooooo talented. Lori Cope.
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