"Happy Accident"

      Move over Chanel, Prada, Calvin Klein - a new designer is in town!  Well,  may not a "designer"?!?
Do you know Bob Ross - the "fro headed painter from the 70's" who actually
 calms and soothes the audience as you watch him paint?  He always made "happy accidents" - to make what might be considered an
 accident and create something good from it!  (We have a lot of these in the art classroom also)
     Well, as I was cleaning bathrooms right before my meeting Monday night, I used a cleanser that contained bleach... (did I look at this BEFORE I used it? No, of course not!)  Here I am in my nice clothes and I had an accident with bleach on my black sweater!  Got it on my pants too - but can't figure out something for those!  So!
  Today - I took the sweater outside along with my new BLEACH cleanser and
 added a bunch more sprinkles to create my new look for a sweater - that I was going to throw away! What do you think?  Maybe not great, but I think I'll wear it... so if you see me in this
 - don't laugh TOO loud!  I'm trying to be frugal!  Yeah, right!  

1 comment:

Stephanie Harbin said...

You can always wear it to clean in!