Aric's 1st Devotional

     Here's Aric 1st devotional that he led Wednesday night at church.  He had a horrible practice, but did just fine for the real thing.  He was pretty nervous.  The first thing he said after church was, "I did it, just like Andy and Alex!"  - he's my baby.  Poor thing  - to follow in Andy and Alex's footsteps, but I'm afraid he'll make a few of his own also!    If you see him, let him know what you think of his devo!

     Turn your Bible to John 13.  We'll be reading from John 13:1-17,  the apostle John writes about the washing of the disciples’ feet that Jesus performed on the very last night of His life. The first three gospel books,  Matthew, Mark and Luke, do not tell about the washing of the feet.   It makes perfect sense why God chose John to record it:  the foot washing ceremony is an act of love and who better to describe it than "the disciple whom Jesus loved" ?

As we have been taught, washing another's feet is an act of humility when we perform it as Jesus did. While it should be done with a humble attitude, we also will learn that there is a deeper and more meaningful reason.  This is why it is so important that we do it with a correct understanding. This deeper meaning will help us realize how important Jesus’ example is to us today.

At first, it may seem strange that, that the other three gospel writers focus on the bread and wine that Jesus established that same evening but never mention the foot washing.  But John does the opposite, we must remember that John, as the last of the gospel writers, fills in more of Jesus' acts and statements than the others. We could think that John felt that the foot washing ceremony needed to be included in the New Testament.  Or another idea is that John recognized the direct link between foot washing and the awesome work of Jesus’ in His life, death, and afterlife.

The foot washing ceremony, recorded in John 13:1-17, allows us to see the character of our Savior. When we apply this lesson in our lives, it gives us a better understanding of why some people struggle to find happiness yet never fully achieve it, and why there are others who are content and have a life that is running over with joy.

Be like Jesus’  everyday and have the humble attitude of humility.  Find happiness, contentment and joy by serving and caring for others.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Leave it to you to give me a great idea!! I'm doing a lesson on caring next week at elementary and making cards for the troops would be perfect. Our cards will not be as cute as the ones on your site, but they will really enjoy making and sending them. Thanks for the idea!!