Here's a "Copy Cat" recipe to try if you find yourself shelling out the $2.19 for a large hazelnut (vanilla or caramel) iced coffee from McD's...
Copycat Recipe for Iced Coffee ~ The night before, brew up a pot of coffee - while coffee is hot add 6 Tablespoons of sugar (my coffee pot is a 10 cupper). Pour coffee in a container and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, mix 3/4 cup of cold coffee to 1/4 cup of your favorite creamer (be creative... creme brulee' or irish cream creamers are awesome) serve over ice and enjoy. Try it and compare - see what you think and save a little $$! WARNING! This is not calorie or fat free drink! But it sure does taste good!

Hey! Check out this pic of coffees, looks like
I could add a "Funky Artist" of coffees?? Who knew there were coffee artists? Not me! Hey! Maybe I can get a 2nd job painting coffee...