Saturday was the perfect day for a "Dinner and a Movie" run! The summer is winding slowly down - sniff, sniff!
We grabbed the "Ging" and headed to Amarillo to watch the 6th Harry Potter movie on the HUGE movie screen.
Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Prince
The surround-sound and nice, comfy chairs - I LOVE going to the movies! The movie was AWESOME - two thumbs up from our family of five! It could be the BEST out of all six of the HP movies. We all enjoyed it! The cast have grown up so much! For a two and half hour show - it literally flew by with such action and suspense! KV is reading out loud the last HP book to us (he's actually read 4 out of 7 out-loud to us as a family; including Andy! Andy, we miss you! ) Andy listened to the audio of the last book on his drive out to Alabama for college two years ago - so he's already done! KV has read the last book also, but likes reading it to us - we're on chapter 11 right now! After seeing the movie - its helps in making the last book fit!
Our dinner was at Jason's Deli! A very healthy way of eating! Fresh vegetables, fruits, sandwiches, soups - we were stuffed when we left to go to the movie!
Alex spent his money on two new pets - "hermit crabs" - argh!
We now have "Klick and Klack" within our family...
Hope you and your family are doing well! Enjoy the last bit of summer as much as you can. I can "smell" school coming up! Admittedly, that's fun too - new clothes, new school supplies, new faces - back into the groove! Friday night football games... HEY! Alex will be playing his first year of sports for 7th grade! We'll be playing Thursday nights and running concession stands on Friday - Oh Joy! It'll be fun!
Hug the ones you love and come back often!