Hello! How are you? How do you like our
"Homecoming" door poster for the art classroom?
"We're "Bustin' Out with Bobcat Spirit"
We added a "3-D" effect with our bobcat's paw
"bustin' out" ! We did good in just three class periods - had to work fast! Too much to do...
This week is our traditional school Homecoming celebrations with decorated halls and doors, dress-up every day (today is Pajama Day - oh yeah!), a football game on Friday - school parade, tail-gate party and pep rally on Thursday down in the Fair Park; but NO bonfire - big frown ): We had to stop that tradition last year - boo hoo! So! We are in the midst of celebrating this week. It's been busy here! How about you - what's new? Hope you are having a great week - even if it's cold and rainy - gotta love the fall season!

FYI! My senior boys are trying out new pick up lines... here's a few (LOL!)
- Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven!
- Are you lost? Because heaven is so far away...
- You should be a fabric softner... so we could "snuggle"!
- If you were a booger - I'd pick you first!
and the best for last
- Did you fart? ...because you just blew me away!
Have a great day! Hug the ones you love!