Thanks to a dear friend ~ she "slapped" me into reality with a simple comment and a link to a blog** . Takes a "true friend" to know what I needed and this did the trick! I am VERY blessed with a wonderful, happy family! My husband loves me, my kids are healthy and active and I have such a great, supportive group around me with family, co-workers and friends. Who cares if I've hit a "bump or a slump" - I am blessed! You all are special - here's a HUG for 7 seconds! You're worth it! Thanks Jayma Michelle - you're a special friend! ** this special blog is dedicated to the day-by-day account of a family with a precious two-year old girl named Layla, who is fighting against a cancer - neuroblastoma.**
Thank you for this "slap" Melissa. I needed this so much today. Sitting here angry with Guthri for not sleeping in her own bed so I don't get the rest I want....Lord, I will hold her tight tonight!
This poor family is so strong while I become weaker at all of life's "troubles". Whatever....I have no troubles....praying for them and that sweet baby Layla!
Melissa - that is the saddest thing I have ever read... that poor family, that poor little girl but how strong their faith is, I don't know if I could ever be that strong.
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