ARGH! I'm in need of an "Attitude Adjustment"... call it "A rut!" or whatever... I need SOMETHING... We have been so busy - our family has fallen into the fast, mind-numbing pace of the "Rat Race" called LIFE! ARGH!
Ya know what I mean... start the day by jumping up, running and not stopping until the end of the day, when you stop and you are sooo tired - fall into bed, sleep and it starts all over again the next day. Our family is having a hard time even carrying on conversations with each other or completing simple chores in our home - argh! We need some quality time with each other...

I've been reading the "Happiness Project" - and trying to make a positive impact on myself and my family... hadn't had time to read it this month much - Should be looking for the book of "How To Say NO! & Mean It!" - LOL! Thank goodness our SPRING BREAK is beginning SATURDAY! I've got to get this negativity OUT and commit to some wholehearted willingness to change my mindset, daily habits and lifestyle for a more POSITIVE way! (Is this what happens when you take out "drinking cokes from Sonic" everyday?? - and NO! my weight hasn't shifted either... argh!)
Do you have any CLUES? How do you deal with LIFE?

Yes, I've been reading the Bible... That always comes up if I'm in a bad mood and can't shake it! I'm working on a Bible lesson for our ladies and have been studying LOVE. BUT... it's not hitting the spot - told you that I need an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! (Even fixed up a whole plate of fried "Malasadas"... still didn't help!)
In church yesterday, Trey challenged our married couples to read together - he's got a list of books that he recommends here! I've ordered 2 copies of our choice of book and we'll see if reading together works for us...

Realize that there is not a pill to cure it all! Wouldn't it be nice, though! LOL! MOOD PILL For a more positive attitude - take one pill and sleep - next morning you will be cured! We could make $$$!

Hope you are having a great week! Thanks for listening to my WHINE... On the road of getting this out of my system - "hopefully"! Hug the ones you love - at least 6 seconds!
SMILE! (it helps!)
I hear you girl! Spring Break can't come soon enough. I'm looking forward to quality time with the family and less time running that "life race"! Lately I have been reading http://laylagrace.org to keep reminding me that whatever life brings I can handle and to be thankful for the blessings of my job and my kids - even when I'm tired! Love you girl!
Girl I hear ya!!!!! I always say that NO is a complete sentence... I tell my kids in my class at least once a day! And once I believe it was it was easier to say NO! My happiness project is going great! I love it thanks I owe it all to you! My husband even commented on how well its working.. So keep smile'n it will get better! 4 days till spring break!
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