With finally getting CABLE TV - I have fallen in love with the Food Channel. I know that I'm not alone, right?
Last weekend, we watched a program on all the food that were deep fried! We all know that grease is NOT our friend - but "boy!" deep fried food is sooooooo good! Chicken Fried Steak, Bacon, Green Beans, Snickers, Twinkies, Macaroni & Cheese, and Fried Hamburgers (just to name a few...)
For the deep fried hamburger - they spotlighted a restaurant started back in 1912 in Memphis Tennessee. Here's the "you tube" video on the restaurant - watch closely how they do this! With a bit of trial and error - we did this at home and OMG! These burgers are awesome! I know, I know - the GREASE - but these cheese burgers are amazing delicious!
Not sure how our burgers compare to the Dyer's (it is on my list "To Visit" for us - when we go out to Alabama for Andy's college graduation - -) but this recipe/method worked for us. These are very similar to burgers that you fry up in your kitchen with a skillet - just more grease...
Deep Fried Cheeseburgers

Sesame Seed Hamburger Buns
1 lb. Hamburger Meat (80/20) (makes 4-5 patties)
Onion Slices
Hamburger sliced pickles
Cavender's "Greek Seasoning"
Oil / "Fry Daddy" or deep fryer
First, I heated up my "Fry Daddy"! Then prepared the sesame seed buns with mustard, pickles and onions on the bottom bun. Just mustard on the top bun and a slice of cheese - put those right next to the fryer! To get the patties really thin - I used greased wax paper and two plates - smashing the plates together - forming a very thin, large patty. The patty should be twice the size of the bun in diameter and about 1/4-1/3 inch thick. (It'll shrink down to size - fast!)
I sprinkled both sides of patty with Cavender's "greek seasoning". (We use this seasoning A LOT!)

Since I used the fry daddy - I was able to cook only one at a time - but the patties cook quick! Using a metal spatula, I gently placed the patty in the hot oil. Cooked for about a minute - flipped and cooked patty about a minute longer. Lifted patty out with spatula and placed the cheese slice on hot patty. Then place the top bun on cheese, held sideways over the oil and let some of the grease drip off (just like the video). Placed the prepared patty on the bun bottom and put on a plate.
We had these burgers "DEVOURED" in seconds! This is probably the "MOST SINFUL" recipe that I've ever allowed my body to make and consume - but OH MY! This hamburger was GOOOOOOOD! Even KV broke down and ate one (he's on a diet...) He ate his burger in about one minute - ha! The faster you eat - the less it has to stick to your hips, right? LOL! Please don't hate me - I'm sure that I've shortened my lifespan by making these burgers - but - they are GOOD hamburgers! Just had to share! (Isn't that what Eve said to Adam - hmmm!)
Let me know how you like these... if you dare! Thanks for stopping by! Hug the ones you love!
1 comment:
Life without risks is no fun at all!!
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