Yep! There was a fire in the CHS Art Room! It occurred during the weekend (April 12-13) - Friday night or Saturday - my principal found the damage on Sunday when complaints came in that there were problems with the internet server - which had turned off because of the heat - and he came up to the school with the Tech supervisor to investigate.

The damage was medium range - smoke damage mainly along with the burned wall and ceiling. Luckily, the sheetrock and the ceiling tiles were both flame resistance - the fire put itself out. No one was hurt; the smell is bad. Some paperwork lost - but all will be okay!
What started the fire? Good question! Some think the lamp; others think the pencil sharpener - a short in the wiring...
NOW! This is the room after clean up - so sad! It was a great room for 6 years. I'll be relocating in the main hall next year. Right now, the art room has been moved to the homemaking sewing room for the remainder of this school year - change is good! (I hope!)
28 days left!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...