Due to all the chaotic summer schedules of the swappers - we decided to have a "gather and deliver" card swap this month! We gathered up the swaps and several ladies helped in the swap delivery! Card swaps were delivered in a watermelon decorated sack in lieu of the "summer" theme! So lucky to have these women in my life!!
Here are the cards for the swap... enjoy!
Thanks for joining us and letting us share our card swap for June with you! Here's a link to last month's swap here. The last swap was in April (we skipped the month of May) and the theme was a Card/Gift Holder!
Next month's challenge is our traditional "Christmas in July" swap but the challenge this year is to make a UNTRADITIONAL card... it'll be up to the swapper to determine and define "untraditional"!! This should be fun! Be sure and check back for next month's swap!
Hope you are enjoying your summer! Remember to hug the ones you love the most... until next time!