Welcome! This post will feature the cards from this month's swap.

The challenge was to create a card and envelope with a SPRING theme! We all are enjoying the SPRING weather so we wanted to "Spring" into action with our cards!
We had 6 ladies this month rise up to the challenge! These cards are so CREATIVE... you will be inspired!
Inspired yet? Next month will be "CELEBRATION" cards!
The card swapper can pick from ANY type of celebration to be the theme of the card! This is a new challenge for us and excited to see the results in April!
Here is a link to the February Card Swap. "Animals" was the challenge for February! Be sure and check back soon! We do skip the month of May due to all the craziness and will reconvene in June! Be sure and check back in April to view the CELEBRATION cards!!
Inspired yet? Next month will be "CELEBRATION" cards!
The card swapper can pick from ANY type of celebration to be the theme of the card! This is a new challenge for us and excited to see the results in April!
Here is a link to the February Card Swap. "Animals" was the challenge for February! Be sure and check back soon! We do skip the month of May due to all the craziness and will reconvene in June! Be sure and check back in April to view the CELEBRATION cards!!
Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...