Aric leading his 1st song!

Aric led his first song during church on Wednesday night! We were so proud!  Of course, he has watched his dad, Andy and Alex - finally it was his time.  The little toot didn't even get nervous - later, he admitted he was finally nervous when he got up at the pulpit and looked out at all the people in the audience!  He did a great job.   He sang one of his favorite song - "Thank You Lord"; verses 1 & 3.  John Mark Lott teaches a "Timothy Class" on Wednesdays and the boys get to participate once every month; so this will be one of many, I hope!  The picture is so fuzzy & yellow - my camera does awful indoors, but great out... maybe it's the flash or could be just the picture-taker!!  Course, I was the geeky mom up in the balcony taking the pictures... hope no one saw the flashes... just had to take pictures. Just wanted to share - thanks for reading!

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