Traditional "Rapid" Shopping

KV and I do a traditional RAPID SHOPPING for Christmas... why?  Good question...  
Mission Impossible?
12 hours - Huge Christmas List
Can it be done?
With Andy in tow... 
(Andy has became indispensable to us during Christmas... we have made him swear to ALWAYS be there during this time... or his brothers will not have a good Christmas and they will suffer trauma and be in therapy and ... Guilt trip!) 
   We literally "Shopped until We Dropped" Monday for Christmas.  We did it, exhausted to the root, but we bought it all, except for some minor things!  Thank goodness for grandmothers...Nana took the two boys until 6 and Ging held them captive until 1 AM!  Actually she had them asleep and in their own beds... THANK YOU BOTH!  
"Mission Not Impossible"  in fact, get this - "Mission completed"  with also the complication of (stupid blonde moment) one check and $500!  OMG!  Hey!  We did have credit cards - but only used 2...
Tomorrow is wrapping day... 
again, Andy does all the wrapping, but he is teaching the boys his famous methods!  They get to help!  Poor Andy, he's the first born of mine, 8 years older of his brothers, so Andy's jobs were to keep him busy and feel complete during the Christmas season?! Now, he's became the Christmas Nazi and keeps all the  $$ totals, want and need listings!

How do YOU shop for Christmas?  This way, "Rapid Shopping", just became our traditionally procedure to complete our Christmas list - we've done it for 13 years.  We wait until after school is out and then run in and buy.  We've found some GREAT deals doing
 this... losing just a little of our sanity along the way!  Hope you are done with all of your shopping.  It's getting close!  Merry Christmas!