I love my job...

I love my job - painting rocks!  It's one of the students' favorite project of the spring semester!  We take an ordinary rock and create something new with it... we become "rock whisper-ers"!       
"They listen to the rock to see what it shall become..." 
Yes!  We are crazy - we are "artists"! Hey - we're studying the Principle of Design of contrast and emphasis!  Using our imagination to create and design something new on an unusual canvas!




Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

love it!! ;) emily still has her tiger she painted on her rock when she was in high school!!

Deb ;) said...

I have two rocks on my desk right now that were painted by Aurora Cardoza and Liz Peryera when they had you in class. I have the rocks Tanner, Tyler and Tara painted at home! When I taught in Oklahoma, we had to incorporate art into our language arts classes; I did your rock painting project! Rock on!!

Unknown said...

I, too, have rocks that were painted by some of your students that they gave to me. It's some of my favorite things!!

Stephanie Harbin said...


They are amazing!