This weekend was a "whirl-wind" of events - whew!
How are you? Hanging in there, I hope!
Thanks for stopping by!
Our family seem to be all running in a different direction - argh!
This is normal for the spring season - guess that's why we yearn for the summer so much - to rest and slow down during
the summer days! 8 weeks left...
ALEX is involved with running track and poultry judging right now. He's running on the JV Sprint Relay team - both 400 and 800 and sometimes the 100 yard dash - this kid is FAST! He's so tall and lanky - growing up so fast! The track meet was held in Tahoka this last weekend. His FFA team competed the next day in Lubbock w/poultry. Both teams did very well! Ask Alex some "chicken" questions, if you see him - the district contest is in two weeks!
ARIC was playing basketball all weekend in Wellington, TX - we drove there THREE times to the WAC for games! Aric is a "late bloomer" in playing basketball - but has learned and improved with every game! Just started playing about a month ago... Gearing up for CJHS sports next year!
The boys are also putting on the finishing touches to their LTC (Leadership Training in Christ) projects. Puppets, drama, Bible reading, plus a WHOLE lot more... we travel to the Anatole in Dallas Easter weekend again for participation in the huge rally of LTC members! Praying for safe travels for everyone involved. Here's the boys with their puppets this year!

Still in the process of SPRING CLEANING - check back soon; I've got a special technique in
cleaning your oven - along with before and after pictures that will surprise you! Wishing you a great weekend!
Remember that tomorrow is
April Fool's Day -
gotta get KV in some kind of prank - stay tuned! LOL!
Remember to hug the ones you love the most, until next time...